Ship Radar Shows You Real-Time Ship Traffic Around the World
Hold the wheel and keep your eyes on the horizon!
Ship Radar shows you real-time ship traffic around the world on an interactive map so you can see which freighters and cargo ships are nearby, when they will arrive, and their direction of travel.
Whether you’re an importer who needs to know when your containers will arrive or an exporter interested in making sure that your shipments get to their destination safely, Ship Radar makes it easy to track ships via satellite navigation, radar, and historical data.
How Does Ship Radar Work?

Ship Radar is an app that shows you ship traffic in real-time.
As you can see from a screenshot of the app, it’s pretty easy to use: select what type of ship you want to view (i.e., cargo ship, tanker, container ship) and then enter a name of a port.
The result will show you all ships close to your port, including information such as speed and heading. All data is taken from publicly available sources — but you probably knew that already.

How Can I Use Ship Radar?
The only thing you need is an internet connection and a device.
Shipping is one of today’s most popular industries. With advanced tracking and GPS technology, you can keep up with your favorite vessels across the world.
Tracking ships has never been easier thanks to Ship Radar.
The Ship Tracker allows you to view thousands of ship routes in real-time on a detailed map. It also alerts you when nearby ships are traveling at dangerous speeds or course changes, which could potentially cause a collision.
Benefits of Using a Ship Tracker
If you’re a merchant, there’s a lot of money to be made in simply knowing when and where goods are delivered.
Ship Radar is free to use.
Your business can know exactly when goods are going to arrive on your doorstep, allowing you to better predict revenue and purchases.
Trends in Ship Traffic Over Time

Ship Radar also lets you see historical ship traffic around a given port, such as these stats for San Francisco: It’s easy to be intimidated by deep-sea vessels, but remember that even these massive ships are just slightly larger than New York City is wide.
That’s not to say that they aren’t impressive.
As vessels get bigger, there is a greater risk of damage or injury if they were to hit something like a smaller yacht or fishing boat.
Monitoring trends in ship traffic can help you identify dangerous areas and steer clear of them.
If you want to use Ship Radar, there’s no charge for viewing marinas on your device, while more advanced features (like location tracking) are available through an upgrade subscription.
Distribution of Ships in the World Merchant Fleet in 2021, by Ship Type. Total Number About 55,000.

Ship Tracking Allows You to Get All Important Informations!
The Ship Tracker gives you the information you need.
For example, if you are waiting for an import from China, you can use Ship Radar to figure out exactly when it will arrive.
This might be helpful in case there’s a delay so that you can proactively contact your supplier and tell them to expect more time.
How Many Ships Are in the World?
There are over 60,000 ships in operation around the world, from massive cargo vessels to tiny fishing boats.
Ship Radar puts all of that data on a single map for easy viewing.
Check it out to learn about some of these famous seafaring vessels and their rich histories.
There’s even real-time ship tracking for certain routes.
Just enter a route between two countries, then sit back and watch as ships fill up your screen.
Emissions From Shipping
Shipping is responsible for around one billion tons of carbon dioxide worldwide due to emissions, which corresponds to around 3 percent of all human-made CO2 emissions. Furthermore, shipping causes about 15 percent of global nitrogen oxide emissions and 13 percent of sulfur dioxide emissions, and the trend is increasing every year.
How Many Ships Sink per Year?
Total ship losses have been declining every year so far.
In 2020, 49 ships sank worldwide.
While in 2015, 105 ship losses were recorded.
The most common cause of a ship sinking is human error.